Monday, January 29, 2007

Magnolia Tutorial

This is from Rod Webb's Tutorial.
The Paper is Arches 140# cold press, colors use are W&N FUB, Alizarin Crimson, Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber, Light Red, Paynes Gray and Sap Green. I was surprised that the FUB and Alizarin Crimson separated on me. Susan told me that FUB is a granulating pigment. Ah... I have much to learn.

What shall I do next????

Happy painting, y'all!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Stella Tut Complete

Yay! I finished my Stella. Here she is:

I used Arches 140# Cold pressed, W&N Aureolin, New Gamboge, Burnt Sienna, Olive Green and FUB.

This tutorial is from Susan's site, on the right. She explains everything very clearly. Great for beginners, like me!

Be Blessed!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Stella D'Oro Tutorial

This is a tutorial I've been working on from Susan Bronsak's site. Her directions are very clear and easy to follow. I wish there were more of these kinds of tutorials out there. So many say "for beginners", but really aren't. There are also several forums that seem to welcome beginners, but no one ever posts beginner looking stuff. I feel like my paintings are kindergarten stuff in comparison. Susan told me that I've gotta walk before I can run, and that's great advice. I just feel like everyone else never walked first.

I know, I'm whining. This is my private pity party, lol.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Watercolor Christmas

This has been the Christmas to satisfy the artist in me! Just look at all these watercolor goodies. Surely, I will learn something now!!!