Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I've moved..........

I've neglected this blog for sooo long ( a year! ) that I decided to start a new one! You can visit me here:
from the mountains of virginia

Y'all come on over!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Oh No!

I've become a boring blogger!!!! Life just has a way of sneaking up on ya. I haven't painted since May. My art room is very neat and organized. Surely this is just a passing dry spell. Perhaps with cooler weather coming in a few months, and DD going back to school soon, I'll get back into the groove ( do people still use that phrase?).

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

This Years Mother's Day Card

Well guess what? I let Mother's day slip up on me. Had some company. Forgot to paint the cards. What a horrible daughter I am! So I did the only thing I could......make a computer card from a previous painting. I bought some textured printer paper, so it actually looked pretty good. Both mothers seemed pleased, so all is well.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Made In The Shade

Qinacridonered's Anenome, originally uploaded by quinacridonered.

If you're a spider that is! It would be interesting to paint, eh?

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Stained Glass Irises

This was a fun, no pressure exercise from the Step-By-Step Guide To Painting Realistic Watercolors by Dawn McLeod Heim. I think this is one of THE best books I've ever purchased for learning watercolors. The photos are great, the info is easy to understand. This painting was a practice in color mixing, controlled washes and charging in color. Unfortunately, this book is out of print, but I found it on

For my birthday, my son sent me the Possum Palette from Cheap Joes. What a cool idea for not wasting paint! Sometimes, I think my hobby is collecting watercolor paraphernalia, not actually painting.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Be Blessed, Y'all!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Faces To Paint

These are the faces this dog lover wants to paint! Could it be any sweeter? Oh I know all you dog lovers out there think your baby is the cutiest! Actually, as a totally certified dog lover, I do fall in love with every dog I see. Unfortunately, my hubby will only allow me to have 4 dogs. Ain't that sad??? Now, if only I could find a great how to book on painting dogs in watercolor.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Trying To Get Back To Normal

The past week has been a horror to the people of our community, state and country. Our local University, Virginia Tech, was the site of a massacre that our nation has never before seen, and I pray never sees again. My daughter has many friends that attend Tech. I'm so grateful that they're alright.

My cousin works in the trauma unit and was there when the first victim arrived. One of my own doctors was on call and treated a victim with a fatal gunshot wound to the head. I don't know how our health care professionals can deal with the tragedies they see on a daily basis. They deserve our praise.

The students returned to classes today, but things won't be "normal" for a long, long time.

My prayers go out to all the families who suffer loss, to the surviving victims, and to all students and staff. May God's healing power and love cover all.

Please continue to pray for our nation's youth.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

More Than I Can Chew

This is the Macro Floral Demo from WetCanvas. I'm kind of at a stand still. My assumption was that it was wet in wet, but it's wet on dry, a technique I haven't attempted yet. So, I'm at square one until I can familiarize myself with this method. Argh! This is on an Arches block, and I can't use it until I've finished this painting (cuz I like the way the block keeps it nice and flat while painting). So I guess that leaves me with doing small paintings on my smaller blocks.

Hmmm.......must get some more blocks.......must get some more blocks

Friday, March 16, 2007


I'm afraid my centers are too dark, but I enjoyed doing this tutorial by Susan Bronsak. You can get it from her site, listed here on the right. I think I might just have a desire to try Botanicals. Hmmmm.....we'll see.

Be Blessed, Y'all!

Rainbow Manikin

This was a fun tutorial from Susan Bronsak. I love to watch the colors blend, as if by magic. That's what watercolor is to me; magic.